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What is a Lottery?
A lottery is a gambling game in which numbers are drawn at random for prizes. In some cases the winners may receive money or goods. But the Bible teaches that winning the lottery is not likely to be a blessing: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat” (Proverbs 23:4). Instead, God wants us to earn our wealth in a honorable way by honest work and good stewardship of our resources.
Lottery refers to any type of arrangement in which the prize is allocated by chance and there is no rational basis for excluding a proportion of people who wish to participate in the arrangement from doing so. Such an arrangement may be a form of public charity, as when people are chosen to get units in a housing block or kindergarten placements in a school; or it may be commercial or financial in nature.
The biblical prohibition against lotteries is the result of a concern that the money won in such games could be used for dishonest purposes. But this ban has been relaxed in many countries, and modern lotteries are run as private businesses with a focus on profits. To maximize revenues, marketing campaigns must convince potential customers that the prizes are worth the risks and that their chances of winning are good.
To determine the odds of winning, a bettor writes his name and the amount of money staked on a ticket that is then deposited with the lottery organization for shuffling and selection in the drawing. A computer system is often used to record purchases and sales, and it may also be used for printing tickets in retail shops. Alternatively, a bettor may write his or her name on a slip of paper that is then submitted for the drawing; this method is common in some European countries.
In colonial America, lotteries were a popular way for churches, colleges, and other groups to raise money. For example, a lottery raised 29,000 pounds to help the Virginia Company establish itself in 1612. Lotteries were especially popular in the 17th and 18th centuries. In fact, some of the first college buildings in America were paid for by lotteries. The founders of Harvard, Yale, Brown, and Princeton financed their buildings through lotteries. George Washington sponsored a lottery in 1768 to finance a road across the Blue Ridge Mountains.
While some players do win large sums of money, most do not. In addition to the biblical warning against gambling, there are many practical reasons for Christians to avoid playing the lottery. Among them are the dangers of temptation and the tendency to seek riches through unrighteous means, the inability of money to buy true happiness, and the potential for skewed priorities. The more important point is that God expects us to earn our wealth honestly, not through gambling. He also wants us to keep our wealth in perspective and not become arrogant (Proverbs 29:6). We should remember that “the rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender” (Proverbs 28:26). We should therefore strive to make wise financial decisions, not just play the lottery for fun.